Books & Chapters
- Nancy Lee HARPER, Part II – “Baroque Fingering and Interpretation: What can a Modern Pianist Learn (Introduction, 10 Chapters, Conclusion; pp. 111-216) in The Performing Pianist’s Guide to Fingering by Joseph Banowetz with Philip Fowke (Bloomington IN, Indiana University Press, Feb. 9, 2021), 244 pp. ISBN 978-0-2530-5313-9.
- Nancy Lee HARPER, “Vestir o popular: erudição e performance da música portuguesa para piano dos Séc. XVIII a XX”, Performance Musical em Perspectiva, Sonia Regina Albano de Lima, organizadora, Cartago, Editorial, São Paulo, Brasil, 2019, pp. 77-112, ISBN 978-85-5988-006-9.
- Portuguese Piano Music: An Introduction and Annotated Bibliography, book and CD (2013). Lanham, MD / Oxford, UK: Scarecrow Press, 331 pp. ISBN 978-0-8108-8299-7 (cloth), also ebook.
- "Portugal's Forgotten Nineteenth Century: The Emergence of Female Piano Composers" in Interpreting Historical Keyboard Music: Sources, Contexts and Performance, Edited by Andrew Wooley and John Kitchen (2013). Ashgate Historical Keyboard Series, Farnham, Surrey, England: Ashgate Publishing, 2013, pp. 254-265. ISBN: 978-1-4094-6426-6 (and ebook).
- “Beethoven Piano sonatas: from fortepiano to harmonic pedal / Les sonatas pour piano de Beethoven : du piano-forte à la pédale harmonique” with T. Henriques in La musique et ses instruments/Music and its instruments, Collection Pensée Musical , ed. Michèle Castellengo/Hugues Genevois (2013). Le Vallier F/07120: SAMPZON Editions Delatour, pp. 99-122. ISBN 978-2-7521-0159-4.
- "Nancy Lee Harper" in Great Pianists and Pedagogues in Conversation with Carola Grindea (2007). London: Kahn & Averill, pp. 278-287. ISBN 978-187-2876.
- "Dorothy Beecher Baker" in Lights of Fortitude by Barron Harper (2007, 1997). Oxford, UK: George Ronald. 1st edition, pp. 191-201; 2nd ed., pp.129-138.
- Manuel de Falla: His Life and Works (2005) Oxford, UK: Scarecrow Press, ISBN 0-8108-5417-1, 544 pp.
- Manuel de Falla: a Bio-Bibliography, no. 68 (1998) Westport, Conn., London: Greenwood Press ISBN 0-313-30292-8; ISSN 0742-6968, 288 pp.
- “Princípios e Práticas no Ensino de Piano em Grupo” in Princípios e Práticas no Ensino de Instrumento de Grupo, rev. Maria Helena Vieira. Coimbra: Edições Almedina (forthcoming).
- Actas do 1º Congresso da EPTA-Portugal (2001) Universidade de Aveiro e EPTA-Portugal, ver. de Nancy Lee Harper, Francisco Monteiro, Sofia Lourenço, 104 pág, ISBN 972-789-029-6.
- Actas do 1º Colóquio ‘PerforMED’, Festivais de Outono, 17 e 25 de Outubro de 2005, Universidade de Aveiro, rev. de Nancy Lee Harper e António Salgado (2007) FJJM/UA ISBN 978-972-789-2297.
- Estudos Celebrando os Grandes Pianistas/Celebrating the Great Pianists, Série no. 1. “Paderewski e a Tradição do Conservatório de S. Petersburgo/ Paderewski and the St. Petersburg Conservatory Tradition” (edição bilingue, Abril de 2003), ISBN-789-089-X, 143 páginas.
- dhamara agni de Rui Penha, 1º Prémio do Concurso Nacional "Jorge Peixinho" do Festival Internacional de Piano "Celebrando Grandes Pianistas" 2003, Série Partituras, nº. 1. ISBN 972-789-094-6.
- O reino dos animais, Canções populares portuguesas, arranjos de Wendy Hiscocks. Festival Internacional de Piano "Celebrando Grandes Pianistas", 2004, Série Partituras, nº 2, ISBN 972-789-129-2.
- 5 aforismos para piano e sopros de Eurico Carrapatoso, edição dos Festivais de Outono, co-directora artística. ISBN 972-789.
- Portuguese Piano Music from the 18th to the 20th Centuries in Masters of Portuguese Music. Van Nuys, CA: Alfred Publishers (at press).
Editorial Board (to present)
1. Editor of the international journal Tension in Performance – The ISSTIP Journal, London, ISSN 2042-6895, until 2016.
2. Contributor to EPTA's Piano Journal, London, ISSN 0267-7253.
3. Member of the Scientific Counsel of the international journal Música Hodie, Brazil, ISSN 1676 -3939.
4. Member of the Scientific Counsel of the online journal European Artistic Studies Review, Portugal, ISSN 1647-3558, ISBN 978 989 95781-3-5
Articles (250+ Articles, Lectures, Reviews, Translations, etc. )
- Harper, Nancy Lee. “Art and the Creative Process: An Interview with Hooper C. Dunbar”. Online journal e*li*xir, Twin Birthdays Issue, Issue 16, 2023,
- Harper, Nancy Lee. Review of “Dialogues/Diálogos Piano à 4 Mains/Piano a 4 Mãos João Costa Ferreira & Bruno Belthoise”, Piano Coriolan, 2022/COR 202005, in Piano Journal, Issue 130, August 2023, 38-39, ISSN 0267 7253.
- Harper, Nancy Lee. Review of film, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in France, Online journal e*li*xir, Twin Birthdays Issue, Issue 16, 2023,
- Nancy Lee HARPER, “Vertical Reading, The Soft Mozart™ Way”, Piano Professional, May 2022, Issue 58, pp. 28-33.
- Nancy Lee HARPER, “Malcolm Dedman: Piano Music, Volume One”, Programme Booklet to CD, in Malcolm Dedman, Piano Works, Vol. 1, Reformation, Sonata no. 2, Four Kinds of Love, Sonata no. 3. Toccata Classics, TOCC 0649, pp. 2-3.
- Nancy Lee HARPER, English Translation of Preface in Compositores Portugueses, Portuguese Composers, Compositeurs portugais, Repertório para Pianistas, Repertoire for Pianists, Répertoire pour pianists,Fados para Piano, Selecção:/Selected by:/Choisis par: Bruno Belthoise, João Pedro Mendes dos Santos. AvA Musical Editions, Ref. AvA: ava222660 ISMN: 979-0-55053-562-6, p. II.
- Nancy Lee HARPER, Review of Compositores Portugueses, Portuguese Composers, Compositeurs portugais, Repertório para Pianistas, Repertoire for Pianists, Répertoire pour pianists,Fados para Piano in Piano Journal, Piano Journal, Issue 127 (August 2022), ISSN 0267 7253, p. 34.
- Nancy Lee HARPER, “Obituary: Joseph Murray Banowetz (5 December 1934 – 3 July 2022), Piano Journal, Issue 127 (August 2022), ISSN 0267 7253, p. 28.
- Nancy Lee HARPER, “Celebrando Grandes Pianistas/Celebrating Great Pianists”, “Festivais de Outono – Breve resenha histórica/Festivais de Outono – Brief Historical Overview” in Festivais de Outono 2022, Coordenação Coordination Pedro Rodrigues, 1ª edição – Novembro 2022 1st edition - November 2022, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal, ISBN 978-972-789-810-7, DOI, Depósito legal Legal deposit 506509/22, pp. 54-55.
- English Translation, Tradução inglês (Prefácio, Índice, Biografias) de Compositores portugueses, Repertório para Pianistas, Piano a quatro mãos, Vol. II, Bruno Belthoise e João Pedro Mendes dos Santos, AvA Musical Editions, Lisboa, 2021 and review in Piano Journal, Issue 125, December 2021, p. 41, ISSN 0267-7253.
- “European Piano Teachers’ Forum, EPTA Czech Republic” Milan Franek with Nancy Lee Harper, Piano Journal, Issue 124 (August 2021), ISSN 0267 7253, p.44.
- CD Review of Bernardo Santos and David Wyn Lloyd, Edvard Grieg Complete Violin and Piano Sonatas, DaVinci Classics COO341, Piano Journal, Issue 124, (August 2021) ISSN 0267 7253, pp 28-29.
- CD Reviews of Luís Pipa of music by Óscar da Silva (Toccata Classics 0576, 2020) and Philipp Scharwenka (Toccata Classics 0521, 1919), Piano Journal, Issue 123 (April 2021) ISSN 0267 7253, pp. 35-37.
- “European Piano Teachers’ Forum, EPTA Belgium Wallonie-Bruxeles”, Diane Andersen with Nancy Lee Harper, D. M. A., Piano Journal, Issue 123 (April 2021) ISSN 0267 7253, pp. 18-23.
- Nelita True Laires, Obituary, Piano Journal , Issue 123 (April 2021) ISSN 0267 7253, p. 9.
- Nancy Lee HARPER, “Covid 19 and the Piano Concerto” in Piano Journal, Issue 122 (December 2020), pp. 16-21, ISSN 0267 7253.
- Nancy Lee HARPER, “The Performing Pianist’s Guide to Fingering”, lecture on “Baroque Fingering: What do we perform?”, with Joseph Banowetz and Philip Fowke, EPTA-Portugal, 14 November 2020.
- Nancy Lee HARPER with Alberto URROZ, “European Piano Teachers’ Forum: EPTA Spain” in Piano Journal, Issue 121 (August 2020), pp. 21-23, ISSN 0267 7253.
- Nancy Lee HARPER, “The Performing Pianist’s Guide to Fingering: Preview” in Piano Professional Issue 53 (April 2020), pp. 36-37, no ISSN number attributed.
- Nancy Lee HARPER, “Eugene Christian Alcalay: Obituary” in Piano Journal, Issue 120 (April 2020), pp. 22, ISSN 0267 7253.
- Nancy Lee HARPER, “Tema e variações” (review of Frederico de Freitas’ Tema e variações) in Piano Journal, Issue 120 (April 2020), pp. 25, ISSN 0267 7253.
- Nancy Lee HARPER, “Alfabeto” (review of Berta Alves de Sousa’s Alfabeto) in Piano Journal, Issue 120 (April 2020), pp. 25, ISSN 0267 7253.
- Nancy Lee HARPER, Repertório para pianistas: Obras para a mão esquerda. Seleção: Bruno Belthoise/João Pedro Mendes dos Santos (revisão do Prefácio e das biografias em inglês), 117 pp. Lisboa: AvA Musical Editions, 2019, AvA 191934, ISMN 979-0-55052-765-2.
- Nancy Lee HARPER, Piano a 4 Mãos, Compositores portuguese, Volume I, Seleção: Bruno Belthoise/João Pedro Mendes dos Santos (revisão do Prefácio e das biografias em inglês), 95pp. Lisboa: AvA Musical Editions, 2019, ISMN 979-0-55052-764-5.
- Nancy Lee HARPER (with Sigrid Naumann, Heribert Koch, and Marilia Patricio) “European Piano Teachers’ Forum: EPTA Germany”, Piano Journal, 118 (August 2019), pp. 16-17, ISSN 0267 7253.Nancy Lee Harper, “José Vianna da Motta (1868-1948)” in ILAMS Newsletter, November 2018, available at:
- Harper, N. L. “Piano Prodigies” in Piano Journal (Issue 115, August 2018), pp. 22-27. ISSN 0267 7253.
- Harper, N. L. Book Review of The Psychology of Piano Technique (2017) by Murray McLachlan, Piano Professional Series, vol. 4, 127 pp. Faber Music Ltd., London, in Piano Journal (Issue 114, March 2018), pp. 36-37. ISSN 0267 7253.
- Harper, N. L. CD Review of José Vianna da Motta (1868-1948), Piano Music, Luís Pipa, piano, Toccata Classics TOCC r0481, EAN/UPC:5060113444813 in Piano Journal (Issue 116, December 2018), pp.35-36. ISSN 0267 7253.
- Harper, N. L. Music Review of Kapustin’s Motive Force in Piano Journal (Issue 116, December 2018), pp. 38-39. ISSN 0267 7253.
- Regina Seeber and Claudia Berzé with Nancy Lee Harper, “European Piano Teachers’ Forum – In Focus: EPTA Austria” Force in Piano Journal (Issue 116, December 2018), pp. 26-27. ISSN 0267 7253.
- Fiammetta Facchini & Nancy Lee Harper, “Music Performance Anxiety in Instrumental Duos: six interviews”/ A ansiedade de performance musical em duos instrumentais: seis entrevistas” Orfeu, Dossiê Psicologia da Música, v. 3, n. 1 (2018), pp. 85-115, ISSN 2525-5304, DOI:
- Harper, N. L. (2017) with Primož Mavrič – “EPTA Slovenia” of “European Piano Teachers’ Forum” in Piano Journal, Issue 113.
- Harper, N. L. (2017) Review COMPOSITORES PORTUGUESES, PORTUGUESE COMPOSERS, COMPOSITEURS PORTUGAIS. REPERTÓRIO PARA PIANISTAS/REPERTOIRE FOR PIANISTS/ RÉPERTOIRE POUR PIANISTES, SELECÇÃO/SELECTED BY/CHOISIS PAR BRUNO BELTHOISE, JOÃO PEDRO MENDES DOS SANTOS. Volume III, Intermediate (2016) ISMN 979-0-55052-287-9, Ref. AVA161540, 77 pp.; Volume IV, Late Intermediate-Early Advanced (2017), ISMN 979-0-55052-457-6, Ref. AVA171668, 127 pp., AvA Musical Editions, Lisbon in Piano Journal, Issue 113.
- Harper, N. L. (2017) “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs: Is it relevant to Piano Teaching and Piano Acquisition Skills?” in Piano Journal, Issue 111, pp. 28-31. ISSN 0267 7253.
- Harper, N. L. (2017) “Fernando Laires (1925-2016): Obituary” in Piano Journal, Issue 111, pp. 32-33. ISSN 0267 7253.
- Harper, N. L. (2017) “In Memoriam: Fernando Laires (1925-2016): Obituary” in The American Liszt Society Newsletter, vol. 32, no. 3. Cover and pp. 4-5.
- Harper, N. L. (2017) “A Tribute to Fernando Laires (1925-2016) in 2017 The American Liszt Society Conference Book, p. 5.
- Harper, N. L. (2017) with Evelina Batey, “EPTA Malta, Yesterday and Today” of “European Piano Teachers’ Forum” in Piano Journal, Issue 112, pp. 28-30. ISSN 0267 7253.
- Harper, N. L. (2017) Review of Chopin Scherzi (Alfred), edited by Joseph Banowetz in Piano Journal, Issue 112, pp. 34-35. ISSN 0267 7253.
- Harper, N. L. (2016) Friedman Piano Transcriptions. Bach, Couperin, Dalayrac, Dandriel, Field, Franch, Gluck, Grazioli, Rameau, Scarlatti. Joseph Banowetz, piano. Grand Piano GP712, 2016, Liner notes, pp.5-9.
- Harper, N. L. (2016) with Stefan Bojsten "European Piano Teachers' Forum - EPTA Sweden" in Piano Journal, Issue 109, ISSN 0267-7253, pp. 24-28.
- Harper, N. L. (2016) Compositores portugueses, Portuguese Composers, Compositeurs portugais. Repertorio para pianistas/Repertoire for Pianists/ Repertoire pour pianistes, Seleccao/Selected by/Choisis para Bruno Belthoise, Joao Pedro mendes dos Santos. Volume 1, Late Elementary-Intermediate (2013) ISMN 979-0-707734-68-1, 76 pp. Volume 2, Intermediate (2014), ISMN 979-0-707739-76-1, 87 pp. AVA Musical Editions, Lisbon, Review of two volumes of Portuguese piano music in Piano Journal, Issue 109, ISSN 0267-7253, pp. 34-35.
- Harper, N. L. (2016) Ignaz Friedman, Original Piano Compositions, Joseph Banowetz, piano, Vol. 1. Liner notes. London: Naxos Grand Piano GP711.
- Harper, N. L. (2016) "Is there a Pickle on Your Piano? Reflections on piano teaching" in Piano Journal, Issue 108, pp. 16-19, ISSN 0267 7253.
- Harper, N. L. (2016) "Stories, Images, and Magic from the Piano Literature", 2nd ed., by Neil Rutman, torchflame Books, 2015, ISBN 978-1-61153-172-5, Book Review in Piano Journal, Issue 108, pp. 28-31, ISSN 0267 7253.
- Harper, N. L. (2016) "Discoveries from the Fortepiano: A Manual for Beginning and Seasoned Performers Alike" by Donna Louise Gunn, Oxford University Press, 2016, ISBN 978-0-19-939663, Book Review in Piano Journal, Issue 108, pp. 31-32, ISSN 0267 7253.
- Harper, N. L. (2016) "FJH Duets at Their Best!", Music Review in Piano Journal, Issue 108, p. 35, ISSN 0267 7253.
- Nancy Lee HARPER e L. PIPA, “EPTA Portugal: Growing Pains and Progress”, Piano Journal, Issue 107 (2015), pp.28-31, ISSN 0267 7253.
- Nancy Lee HARPER, D. Kuyken, F. Verhey, H. Floors, “EPTA The Netherlands”, Piano Journal, Issue 106 (2015), pp. 30-34, ISSN 0267 7253.
- Nancy Lee HARPER, A. ATLADOTTIR, H. HARALDSSON, T. BALDVINSSON, “EPTA Iceland”, European Piano Teachers’ Forum, Piano Journal, Issue 105 (2015), pp.24-28, ISSN 0267 7253.
- Nancy Lee HARPER, crítica de Best of In Recital Solos, rev. Helen Marlais, FJH Pianist’s Curriculum, 6 vols., Piano Journal, Issue 105 (2015), pp. 33-34, ISSN 0267 7253.
- Nancy Lee HARPER, “Simulating and Stimulating Performance”, Tension in Performance, The ISSTIP Journal, vol. 4, no. 1 (2015), pp. 4-14, ISSN 2042-6895.
- Nancy Lee HARPER, “Editorial”, Tension in Performance, The ISSTIP Journal, vol. 4, no. 1 (2015), pp. 2, ISSN 2042-6895.
- Nancy Lee HARPER, “Simulating and Stimulating Performance”, Tension in Performance, The ISSTIP Journal, vol. 4, no. 1 (2015), pp. 4-14, ISSN 2042-6895.
- Nancy Lee HARPER, “Obituary – Dr. Earl Owen”, Tension in Performance, The ISSTIP Journal, vol. 4, no. 1 (2015), pp. 40, ISSN 2042-6895.
- Fiammetta FACCHINI, Nancy Lee HARPER, et al. “Music Performance Anxiety: Learning from Long-term Duos”, International Symposium for Performance Science ’15, Kyoto, Japan, 2-5 de Setembro de 2015, p. 140.
- Harper, N. L. (2014) "Simulating and Stimulating Performance" in Piano Journal, Issue 104, pp. 23-27.
- Facchini, F., Harper, N. L., Facchini, R. (2014) official translation of Italian version of K-MPAI test of Dianna Kenney.
- Harper, N.L. (2014) Review of The Romantic Piano Concerto - 64. Oswald: Piano Concerto in G minor, op. 10. Napoleao: Piano Concerto in E flat minor, op. 31 with Artur Pizarro, piano, on Hyperion Record Ltd, 2014 in Piano Journal, Issue 104, p.33.
- Harper, N. L. (2014) Book Review of Miguel Henriques' The (Well) Informed Piano. University Press of America ISBN 978-0-7618-6095-2 in Piano Journal, Issue 104, p. 30.
- Harper, N. L. (2014) Review of Carter Pann: The Piano's 12 pianist Joel Hastings on NAXOS CD 8 559043 in Piano Journal, Issue 104, p. 31.
- Harper, N.L. (2014) Review of Nikita Fitenko. Bach, Beethoven, Schumbert, Chopin, Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, Rachmaninov on Classical Records CR-163-2014 in Piano Journal, Issue 104, p.32.
- Harper, N.L. (2014) Review of Katerina Zaitseva. Schubert, Schumann, Liszt.on Classical Records CR-156-2013 in Piano Journal, Issue 104, pp.32-33.
- Review of Saber Ouvir - Eurico Tomas de Lima (1908-1989) with Miguel Campinho, piano, Numerica CD 1249, 2013 Piano Journal, Issue 104, pp.33-34.
- Review of Portugal with Luis Pipa, piano, on Piano DN in Piano Journal, Issue 104, p.34.
- Harper, N. L. (2014) "Maya Angelou: The Song of the Uncaged Bird" in Baha'i Teachings at, 5 July.
- Harper, N. L. (2014) Review of Frank Glazer's book, A Philosophy of Artistic Performance (with Practical Solutions) in “First Looks” Book Review of Clavier Companion, July-August, 2014, vol. 6, no. 4, p.63.
- Harper, N. L. (2014) Review of P. Ivanson's Book, Piano Touch and Tone in Piano Journal, no. 102 (Spring), p. 27.
- Harper, N. L. (2014) "Art and the Creative Process: An Interview with Hooper C. Dunbar" in Wilmette Institute Newsletter, June 2014, available at
- Harper, N. L. (2014) Book Review of Dianna Kenny’s The Psychology of Music Performance, Oxford University Press, 2011 in Tension in Performance – The ISSTIP Journal, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 48-50. ISSN 2042-6895.
- Harper, N. L. (2014) Editorial in Tension in Performance – The ISSTIP Journal, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 2-4. ISSN 2042-6895.
- Harper, N. L. (2014) with M. McLachlan, “The Piano Teachers’ Magic Mirror” in Piano Journal Issue 102 (Spring), pp.20-24. ISSN 0267-7253.
- Harper, N. L. (2014) "The Quickening Genius of the World" in Baha'i Teachings at, 24 Feb. 2014.
- Harper, N. L. (2014 forthcoming) program notes for Romantic Piano Concerti: Henrique Oswald and Alfredo Napoleão. CD by pianist Artur Pizarro, Hyperion label.
- Harper, N. L., Trouli, H., Zupan, D., Rodman, S. (June 2014) "'How Folk Remedies and Traditional Medicine have addressed musicians' ailments in the past two centuries'. paper presented at EPTA conference, Oslo, Norway.
- Harper, N. L. (2013) “La Ambigüedad en las obras para piano compuestas por Falla en su madurez: ampliando las fronteras instrumentales”, Quodlibet (Mayo-Agosto 2013) vol. 53, no. 2, Monográfico Manuel de Falla (1).Universidad de Alcalá, Madrid, pp. 68-90. ISSN 1134-8615.
- Fiammetta FACCHINI, Nancy Lee HARPER, Filipa M.B. LÃ, Catarina RICCA (2013) “Beating Together: A Case Study of Heart Rate in Partners Change in Violin & Piano Duo” in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Performance Science 2013, edited by Aaron Williamon and Werner Goebl, published by the European Association of Conservatoires (AEC), Brussels, Belgium, 2013, pp. 337-342. ISBN 9782960137804, available at
- José Fernandes OLIVEIRA E SILVA, Maria João SOARES, Luís Souto MIRANDA, Anabela PEREIRA, Nancy Lee HARPER (2013) “Performing Together: A Case Study of Physiological Stress between Soloist and Audience” in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Performance Science 2013, edited by Aaron Williamon and Werner Goebl, published by the European Association of Conservatoires (AEC), Brussels, Belgium, 2013, pp. 523-528. ISBN 9782960137804, available at:
- Fiammetta FACCHINI, Nancy Lee HARPER, Filipa LÂ, Luís Souto MIRANDA, Maria João SOARES, & Catarina RICCA (2013) “Maximizing Performance: A Case Study of Stress in Partner Change of Violin/Piano Duo” in Performing Artists Medical Association 2013, Snow Mass, CO, USA, pp. 102-104, available at
- Catarina FORTUNATO & Nancy Lee HARPER (2013) “O tempo musical nos Préludes II de Claude Debussy: algumas considerações” in Pensar a Música, Guimaramus 2012, Congresso Musical de Guimarães. Guimarães: Sociedade Musical de Guimarães: Fundação Cidade de Guimarães, 2013, pp. 397-423.
- José PARRA, Nancy Lee HARPER & Daniela COIMBRA (2013) “Em defesa da música como funcionalidade: reflexão sobre o piano como veículo de uma educação musical funcional” in Pensar a Música, Guimaramus 2012, Congresso Musical de Guimarães. Guimarães: Sociedade Musical de Guimarães: Fundação Cidade de Guimarães, 2013, pp. 183-217.
- Fiammetta FACCHINI, Nancy Lee HARPER, Filipa M. B. LÃ, Ana TORRES, “Anxiety in Instrumental Duo” (2013). London International Piano Symposium 2013.
- Patrícia Francis ABDALLA & Nancy Lee HARPER, “From Lisbon to Rio: The Absence of Portuguese Piano Music in the New State (1930-1940)” (2013). London International Piano Symposium 2013. London, England.
- Patrícia Francis ABDALLA & Nancy Lee HARPER (2013) “O nacionalísmo brasileiro no Estado Novo (1930-1940) sob a ótica dos programas do concerto de piano”. Performa 2013, Porto Alegre, Brasil, Maio de 2013.
- Harper, N. L. (2013), The Untold Story of Adele aus der Ohe, from Liszt Student to a Virtuoso by LeWayne Leno (BeaversPondPress), in Piano Journal, vol.32, Issue 101 (2013). Book Review, p. 24. ISSN 0267-7253.
- Harper, N. L. (2013), The Psychology of Music Performance Anxiety by Dianna T. Kenny (OUP). In Piano Journal, vol.32, Issue 99, (2013), pp. 31-32. ISSN 0267-7253.
- Harper, N. L. (2013), The Well-Tempered Reader (Red, Blue, and Green Books)by Marilyn Lowe and Garik Pedersen, in cooperation with Edwin Gordon in Clavier Companion, vol. 5, no. 4, July/August (2013), pp. 49-50. ISSN 1086-0819, also reviewed in Music Teachers’ Association of California Newsletter, Nov. 2013.
- Harper, N. L., Litten, N., Sheftel, P. Steer, M. M. (2013) European Piano Teachers’ Forum: Teaching with Technology. In Piano Journal, vol.32, Issue 99. ISSN 0267-7253, pp. 18-23.
- Harper, N. L., Trouli, H., Riley, K., Harper, L. (2013) European Piano Teachers’ Forum: Pianists’ Pain and Prevention. In Piano Journal, vol.32, Issue 100. ISSN 0267-7253, pp. 32-38.
- Harper, N. L., Elson, M., MacWorth-Young, L. (2013) European Piano Teachers’ Forum: The Bench or the Couch? When the Piano Teachers is also a Psychologist. In Piano Journal, vol.32, Issue 101. ISSN 0267-7253, pp. 19-23.
- Harper, N. L. (2013) Various Music Reviews. In Piano Journal, vol.32, Issue 101. ISSN 0267-7253, pp. 24-25.
- Harper, N. L. (2013) Various Music Reviews. In Piano Journal, vol.32, Issue 100. ISSN 0267-7253, pp. 39-40.
- Harper, N. L. (2013) Obituaries of Van Cliburn, Charles Rosen, Dorothy Taubman. In Piano Journal, vol.32, Issue 101. ISSN 0267-7253, pp. 48-49.
- Harper, N. L. (2012) "The Interchangeability of Instruments in Key Works by Manuel de Falla in !st Portuguese Organological Conference, University of Aveiro, 21-22 January, at
- Harper, N. L., Henriques, T. (2012) 26 de Março, Congresso Music Teachers National Association dos EUA (MTNA), Nova Iorque, EUA, Poster Presentation “SOUND/SILENCE WEBBING: Accelerated Music Learning”.
- Harper, N. L., Henriques, T. (2012) 27 de Março, Congresso Music Teachers National Association MTNA, Nova Iorque, EUA Poster Presentation “SOUND/SILENCE WEBBING: Accelerated Music Learning”.
- Harper, N. L. 31 de Março, Conferência sobre Memorization: Teoria e Prática no Congresso PERFORMANCE HEALTH, Edna Manley College, Kingston, Jamaica.
- Harper, N. L. 31 de Março: Conferència sobre Optimização da Performance Musical: Preparando para o Palco no Congresso PERFORMANCE HEALTH, Edna Manley College, Kinston, Jamaica.
- Harper, N. L., Lago, P., Dolnay, K. (2012) in European Piano Teachers’s Forum “Reflections on Piano Teaching, On Teaching Bach, and on Javorskiy’s Theory” in Piano Journal (Issue 96), pp. 21-28, ISSN 0267-7253.
- Harper, N. L., Smith, S. M., Banowetz, J., Lasserson, N., Alink, G. (2012) in Piano Journal in European Piano Teachers’s Forum “Teaching for Piano Competitions: The Red Shoes?” (Issue 97), pp. 26-32, ISSN 0267-7253.
- Harper, N. L. (2012) in Piano Journal in European Piano Teachers’s Forum “Playing the Piano, Playing with Fire?” with Gail Berenson, Michal Tal, Seppo Salovius, (Issue 98), pp. 20-27, ISSN 0267-7253.
- Harper, N. L. (2012) “Lisztmania em Portugal: Rumores nortenhos” in Actas do I Congresso O Porto Romântico , vol. II, coord. Gonçalo de Vasconcelos e Sousa, pág. 187-194. Porto: U. Católica, CITAR. ISSN 978-989-8366-28-3.
- Harper, N. L. (2012) 2 Music Reviews (novas obras de Dianne Goolkasian Rahbee; Marilyn Lowe e Garik Pederson) in Piano Journal (Londres), no. 96, pág. 30. ISSN 0267-7253.
- Harper, N. L. (2012) DVD Review of Malcolm Bilson’s Performing the Score in in Piano Journal (Londres), no. 96, pág. 20-25. ISSN 0267-7253.
- Harper, N. L. (2012) CD review of Irena Koblar in Piano Journal (Londres), no. 96, pág. 33. ISSN 0267-7253.
- Harper, N. L. (2012) 5 short Music Reviews of new works and methods by F. Karpoff; C. Hermanson; L. Wold; Workinger / Sueta; H. Marlais in Piano Journal (Londres), no. 97, pág. 38-39. ISSN 0267-7253.
- Harper, N. L. (2012) CD Review of Joseph Banowetz in obras de Karl Weigl (Naxos) in Piano Journal (Londres), no. 98, pág. 35. ISSN 0267-7253.
- Harper, N. L. (2012) 2 DVD Reviews of Ingrid Clarfield, Take a Bow; Manuel de Falla, A Musical and Spiritual Journey in Piano Journal (Londres), no. 98, pág. 37. ISSN 0267-7253.
- Harper, N. L. (2012) Book review of J. Lyke’s Creative Piano Teaching, 4th ed. in Piano Journal (Londres), no. 98, pág. 38. ISSN 0267-7253.
- Harper, N. L. (2012) Book Review of J. Lyke’s Keyboard Fundamentals, Piano Journal (Londres), no. 98, pág. 38. ISSN 0267-7253.
- Harper, N. L. (2012) Participação no filme (pianista e entrevistadada) Manuel de Falla, A Musical and Spiritual Journey da SMHmusicllc (EUA), 6 64241 02516, 2012.
- Harper, N. L. (2012) Artigo online de Goa: Artigo “Thoughts on practicing Debussy” in Debussy: The French Revolutionary (21 July 2012) rev. Luís Dias at
- Harper, N. L. (2012) Article in Researcher of the Month (U. Aveiro) Researcher of the Month / November / UA and - Harper, N. L. (2011) “Brain, Heart, Society: The Changing Role of the Piano in the 21st Century. Communication, 33rd EPTA conference, Lucerne, Switzerland. 11-13 November 2011.
- Harper, N. L., Facchini, F. (2011) “VitalGesture: The EKG of Musical Gesture in two case studies”, 2º Forum Intinerários Musicais, Lisbon, Centro Cultural de Belém, 28-30 Oct. 2011.
- Harper, N. L. (2011) “Two Neopolitan Keyboard Composers in Lisbon: David Perez (1711-1778) and Domenico Scarlatti (1685-1757), communication, International Symposium David Perez, Museu de Aveiro, 21-22 October 2011.
- Harper, N. L. et al. (2011) “Slow Down and Learn”: Pianists and Memory, communication presented with T. Henriques, A. Pereira, Direito, Cunha, Miranda, Tavares, Soares in International Symposium for Performance Science, Toronto, Canada, 24-28 August 2011, published at, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Performance Science 2011, edited by Aaron Williamon, Darryl Edwards, and Lee Bartel, published by the European Association of Conservatoires (AEC), Utrecht, The Netherlands. ISBN 9789490306021. pp. 681-686, available at .
- Pereira, A., Harper, N. L., Direito, I. (2011) “Anxiety and personality features in pianists: a psycho-physiological assessment” communication, 12th European Psychology Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 4 July 2011.
- Pereira, A., Harper, N. L., Direito, I. (2011) “Anxiety in Pianists” communication, 32nd Stress and Anxiety Research Conference (STAR), Munster, Germany, July 2011.
- Harper, N. L. (2011) “Portugal’s Forgotten 19th Century: The Emergence of Female Composers”, communication at 1st International Historical Keyboard Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1-3 July 2011.
- Harper, N. L., Henriques, T., Pereira, A., Miranda, L. S., Direito, I., Tavares, F., Soares, M. J. (2011) “Superlearning™ Techniques for music memorization: A Case study with pianists”,communication given at Performa ’11, Universidade de Aveiro, 19-21 May 2011. See
- Harper, N. L. (2011) “Lisztmania em Portugal: Rumores nortenhos” (2011) in Actas do I Congresso “O Porto Romântico” (Congresso, U. Católica, Porto, 28-29 April 2011), Coord. Gonçalo de Vasconcelos e Sousa, vol. 2, pág. Porto: U. Católica do Porto, CITAR. ISBN 978-989-836-28-3.
- Harper, N. L. (2011) “Mind, Tension and Music Medicine Therapy”, Webinar for 3rd Health Seminar, Kingston, Jamacia, at, April 2011.
- Harper, N. L. (2011) “Sherry and Caviar: Tantalizing Spanish and Soviet Repertoire” with N. Franke, C. Flamm in “European Piano Teachers’ Forum” in Piano Journal (Issue 95 2011) pp. 26-32.
- Harper, N. L. (2011) Music Review of Romantic Piano Anthology, vols. 1, 2, 3, 4 (with CDs), ed. N. Franke, Schott, in Piano Journal (Issue 95 2011) p. 37.
- Harper, N. L. (2011) “VitalJacket®, A Mobile, Continuous ECG-Wave Tool” in Researcher-s Armchair in Tension in Performance – The ISSTIP Journal, Spring 2011, ISSN 2042-6895, pp 35-36.
- Harper, N. L. (2011) Book Review: Psychology for Musicians, Understanding and Acquiring the Skills by Lehmann, Sloboda, Woody (OUP) in Tension in Performance – The ISSTIP Journal, Spring 2011, ISSN 2042-6895, pp 37.
- Harper, N. L. (2011) Editorial in Tension in Performance – The ISSTIP Journal, Spring 2011, ISSN 2042-6895, p. 2.
- Harper, N. L. (2011) “Assessing Piano Performance: Challenges and Champions” with A. Roque Cardoso in European Piano Teachers’ Forum in Piano Journal (Issue 94 2011), pp. 25-29.
- Harper, N. L. (2011) Music Review of several FJH publications including Helen Marlais’ Succeeding at the Piano, A Method for Everyone, Teacher-s Guide for Preparatory and Grade 1 in Piano Journal (Issue 94 2011) pp. 31-34.
- Harper, N. L. (2011) CD Reviews of MÉLOMANIE, FLORESCENCE, 2011 MM 11016 and SOLIOQUY, double CD, M2M11017, in Piano Journal (Issue 94 2011) p. 37.
- Harper, N. L. (2011) “By the Young, For the Young” in “European Piano Teachers’ Forum” with A. Chan in Piano Journal (Issue 93 2011), pp. 25-31.
- Harper, N. L. (2011) CD Review Brahms Piano Sonatas 1 & 2, Kevin Robert Orr, Meyer Music MM 10015 in Piano Journal (Issue 93 2011), p. 36.
- Harper, N. L. (2011) CD Review Great Short Masterpieces for Piano, Michal Tal Romeo Records 7278/9 in Piano Journal (Issue 93 2011), p. 36.
- Harper, N. L. (2010) “The Piano Concerto in Portugal: A Brief Overview / O Concerto para piano em Portugal: Um Panorama” in Hoadie (2010), vol. 1, nº 1, ISSN 1676-3939; 11-20.
- Harper, N. L. (2010) “Fernando Laires” in Enciclopédia de Música em Portugal no Século XX, ed. Salwa Castelo-Branco (2010), vol., C-L; 978-989-644-098-5. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores, 1683-1684.
- Harper, N. L. (2010) “Pedro Rocha" in Enciclopédia de Música em Portugal no Século XX, ed. Salwa Castelo-Branco (2010), vol. P-Z, 978-989-644-114-2. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores, 1127.
- Harper, N. L. (2010) “António Chagas Rosa" in Enciclopédia de Música em Portugal no Século XX, ed. Salwa Castelo-Branco (2010), vol. P-Z, 978-989-644-114-2. Lisboa: Círculo de Leitores, 1146-1147.
- Harper, N. L. (2010) “Vianna da Motta” (crítica da Balada gravada em CD) in Centro Nacional da Cultura,
- Harper, N. L. (2010) “Fernando Lopes-Graça” (crítica da 2ª Sonata gravada em CD) in Centro Nacional da Cultura,
- Harper, N. L. (2010) “António Fragoso” (crítica do Nocturno em Réb M gravado em CD) in Centro Nacional da Cultura,
- Harper, N. L. (2010) “João Pedro Oliveira” (crítica da obra Pirâmides de cristal gravada em CD) in Centro Nacional da Cultura,
- Harper, N. L. (2010) “Luís de Freitas Branco” (critica dos Prelúdios gravado em CD) in Centro Nacional da Cultura,
- Harper, N. L. (2010) “The Role of the Classical Musician in our Society”, text presented on Planet Rádio, Verónica Gaspar, hostess, 20 Dec. 2010, PLANETA RADIO, Bucharest, Rumania,
- Harper, N. L. (2010) Bi-lingual program notes (Portuguese-English) for CD Flautástic / Flutastic, István Matuz, flute, Nancy Lee Harper, piano,Numérica NUM 1212 (2010).
- Harper, N. L. (2010) Unpublished paper “Chopin as seen through the eyes of Liszt’s last pupil - José Viana da Mota” at MUSIC TEACHERS’ NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (MTNA), 23 March 2010.
- Harper, N. L. (2010) Unpublished paper “Chopin & Viana da Mota: Editorial Considerations” at 32nd EPTA Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 29 Oct. 2010.
- Harper, N. L. (2010) Performance Health Webinars, Kingston, Jamaica, 22-23 July 2010.
- Harper, N. L. (2010) “From Schumann to Sri Lanka: Teaching Then, Teaching Now” in European Piano Teachers Forum in Piano Journal(Winter 2010), Vol. 29, nº 92, ISSN 0267 7253; 28-33.
- Harper, N. L. (2010) “Chopin-Jogodzinski” and “Chopin: Les Brilliants”, CD Reviews in Piano Journal (Winter 2010), Vol. 29, nº 92, ISSN 0267 7253; 39.
- Harper, N. L. (2010) Editorial in Tension in Performance – The ISSTIP Journal (Autumn 2010), vol. 1, nº 2, ISSN 2042-6895; 2.
- Harper, N. L. (2010) “ISSTIP Day at 32nd EPTA Conference, Worldwide Report” in Tension in Performance – The ISSTIP Journal (Autumn 2010), vol. 1, nº 2, ISSN 2042-6895; 27.
- Harper, N. L. (2010) “Hats off, gentlemen – a genius” in “European Piano Teachers’ Forum in Piano Journal (Summer 2010) Vol. 30, Issue 91, ISSN 0267 7253; 28-34.
- Harper, N. L. (2010) Génia/Gabriel Prokofiev, CD Review in Piano Journal (Summer 2010) Vol. 30, Issue 91, ISSN 0267 7253; 43.
- Harper, N. L. (2010) Paul Kletzki Piano Concerto and other works, Joseph Banowetz (Naxos) in Piano Journal (Summer 2010) Vol. 30, Issue 91, ISSN 0267 7253; 43-44.
- Harper, N. L. (2010) “Teaching Piano in a Global Village” in “European Piano Teachers’ Forum in Piano Journal, Vol. 30, Issue 90 (Spring 2010), ISSN 0267 7253; 35-42.
- Harper, N. L. (2010) João Victor Costa, CD review in Piano Journal, Vol. 30, Issue 90 (Spring 2010), ISSN 0267 7253; 52.
- Harper, N. L. (2010) Obituary of Alicia de Larrocha in Piano Journal, Vol. 30, Issue 90 (Spring 2010), ISSN 0267 7253; 53.
- Harper, N. L. (2010) Obituary of Earl Wild in Piano Journal, Vol. 30, Issue 90 (Spring 2010) ISSN 0267 7253; 54.
- Harper, N. L. (2010) “ISSTIP Around the World” in Tension in Performance – The ISSTIP Journal, vol. 1, nº 1 (Spring 2010), ISSN 2042-6895, 33-39.
- Harper, N. L. (2010) “The ‘Little Queen Elisabeth’ Piano Competition” in Piano Professional (Summer 2010), Issue 23; 7.
- Harper, N. L. (2010) “Reflections on Piano Teaching and Playing in India” in EPTA UK News (Summer 2010), 4-5.
- Harper, N. L. (2009) “Portuguese Piano Music: Notable Moments from the 18th Century until Today” (Abstract) & Paper in CD ROM (2009), 5 pp. ISBN 978-972-789-209-7.
- Harper, N. L. (2009) “Performing Proportion: Crux Awareness in Scarlatti Interpretation” with Tomás Henriques, ISPS 2009 Performing Excellence in International Symposium of Performance Science 2009, Auckland, New Zealand, European Association of Conservatories, Utrecht, Netherlands, edited by Aaron Williamon, Sharon Pretty, Ralph Buck, ISBN 978 94 90306 01 4; 295-300.
- Harper, N. L. (2009) “Beethoven Piano Sonatas: From Fortepiano to Harmonic Pedal” Abstract & Communication in 5th Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology (CIM09). CIM & LAM Institut Jean le Rond d’Alembert, (Michèle Castellengo, Hughes Genevois, eds.) Société Française d’Acoustique, l’Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris.
- Harper, N. L. (2009) “Change and Tradition” – European Piano Teachers’ Forum in Piano Journal (Autumn/Winter 2009), Vol. 29, nº 89, London, ISSN 0267 7253; 31-37.
- Harper, N. L. (2009) “The Art of French Piano Music: Debussy, Ravel, Fauré, Chabrier” by Row Howat – Book Review in Piano Journal(Autumn/Winter 2009), Vol. 29, nº 89, London, ISSN 0267 7253; 45-47.
- Harper, N. L. (2009) “Piano-Yoga” by GéNIA – Book Review in Piano Journal (Autumn/Winter 2009), Vol. 29, nº 89, London, ISSN 0267 7253; 47.
- Harper, N. L. (2009) “QUINTessenz, eine praktische Harmonielehre basierend auf Improvisieren am Klavier, Hören, Spielen, Singen, Komponieren, mit CD“ – Book/CD Review in Piano Journal (Autumn/Winter 2009), Vol. 29, nº 89, London, ISSN 0267 7253; 47.
- Harper, N. L. (2009) “American Popular Piano Series“ – Music Review in Piano Journal (Autumn/Winter 2009), Vol. 29, nº 89, London, ISSN 0267 7253; 40.
- Harper, N. L. (2009) “Alfred Masterwork Edition – Brahms“ – Music Review in Piano Journal (Autumn/Winter 2009), Vol. 29, nº 89, London, ISSN 0267 7253; 42-43.
- Harper, N. L. (2009) “Commemoration Concert de Nancy Lee Harper” – Programme Notes in Festivais de Outono 2009 ; 71-72.
- Harper, N. L. (2009) “Piano Showcase” – Music Review in Piano Journal Vol. 29, nº 88 (Summer 2009), London. ISSN 0267 7253; 36-37.
- Harper, N. L. (2009) “Sazas Concert” – CD Review in Piano Journal Vol. 29, nº 88 (Summer 2009). ISSN 0267 7253; 37.
- Harper, N. L. (2009) “Russian Concertos” – CD Review in Piano Journal Vol. 29, nº 88 (Summer 2009). ISSN 0267 7253, p. 37.
- Harper, N. L. (2009) “Classical Records CR 112” – CD Review in Piano Journal Vol. 29, nº 88 (Summer 2009). ISSN 0267 7253; 37-38.
- Harper, N. L. (2009) “Piano Concerti by Kaimierz, Serocki, Tadeusz Baird, John Krenz” in Piano Journal Vol. 29, nº 88 (Summer 2009). ISSN 0267 7253; p. 38.
- Harper, N. L. (2008) “Interview with Carola Grindea” in Piano Journal, vol. 28 nº 85 (2008), Special EPTA 30th anniversary issue, ISSN 0267 7253; 5-12.
- Harper, N. L. (2007/2008) “Music within our grasp: mirror neurons in music instrumental acquisition with special emphasis on piano performance” in ISSTIP Journal, vol. 14 (Winter 2007) ISSN 1478-1204; 4-8.
- Harper, N. L. (2007) “Golden Section in the Scarlatti Sonatas” in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Performance Science 2007, edited by Aaron Williamon and Daniela Coimbra, published by the European Association of Conservatoires (AEC), Utrecht, The Netherlands. ISBN 9789090224848, pp. 239-244,m available at:
- Harper, N. L. (2008) “Performing Musical Structure: crux-phi relationships in Domenico Scarlatti’s Sonata K. 380 in Proceedings of CIM08 Conference with Tomás Henriques (Thessaloniki, Grécia, 2-6 de Julho de 2008), Abstract: 80-81; Paper in CD ROM.
- Harper, N. L. (2008) “Carola Grindea and ISSTIP” in ISSTIP Journal, nº 15 (Autumn 2008), pp. 4-7.
- Harper, N. L. (2008) “Carola Grindea and ISSTIP” on ISSTIP website, October 2008 - http//
- Parra, J. M. & N. L. Harper (2008) “Functional Piano vs. Traditional Piano: an educational dilemma?” – Jose M. Parra and Nancy Lee Harper in Piano Journal,nº 86 (Winter 2008), pp. 21-25.
- Harper, N. L. (2008) Translation of Program Notes by Mário Trilha for CD Musica para D. João VI e D. Carlota (2008) Númerica NUM 1165, 5-7, 9, 11.
- Harper, N. L. (2008) “Rodolfo Halffter: Homenaje a Antonio Machado, Para la tumba de Lenin, Una vez y otra, cantilena variada, Dos sonatas de El Escoria, Danza de Avila, Minué, Facetas, Três hojas de album, Secuencia, Laberinto in
- Harper, N. L. (2008) Book Review - Piano Needn’t Be Lonely, 3rd ed. by Nádia Lasserson in Piano Journal, nº 86 (Winter 2008), 36.
- Harper, N. L. (2008) Series Review American Popular Piano in Piano Journal, nº 86 (Winter 2008), dist. Schott, 39-40.
- Harper, N. L. (2008) Historical Report of EPTA-Portugal in Piano Journal, nº 86 (Winter 2008), pp. 47-48.
- Harper, N. L. (2008) Series Review Baroque around the World, 6 vols. de Schott, em Piano Journal, nº 85 (Summer 2008), 64-65.
- Harper, N. L. (2008) Review of Music Edition “Preludes” vol. 1 & 2 by Dianne Goolkasian Rahbee em Piano Journal, nº 85, 65-66.
- Harper, N. L. (2008) CD Review The Portuguese Scarlatti de Jacqueline Ogeil em Piano Journal, nº 85, 70.
- Harper, N. L. (2008) Website Review in Piano Journal, nº 85, 71.
- Harper, N. L. (2007) “Preparing for Performance without Inderal™ " in Proceedings of 1º Colóquio PerforMED, UA, FJJM, 17 & 25 October 2005, ISBN 978-972-789-2297, 91-108.
- LÃ, F.M. B., Harper, N. L., Carvalho, J. L. S. (2007) "The effects of menopause and the use of hormonal replacement therapy on the female professional voice users' perceptions" in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Performance Science 2007, edited by Aaron Williamon and Daniela Coimbra, published by the European Association of Conservatoires (AEC), Utrecht, The Netherlands. ISBN 9789090224848, available at
- Harper, N. L. (2007) Performa’07/UA Domenico Scarlatti’s “internal rhythm” in the trajectory of Manuel de Falla’s piano works (Abstract & paper e paper in CD ROM) – ISBN: 978-972-789-231-0.
- Harper, N. L. (2007) “Golden Section in the Sonatas of Domenico Scarlatti: A re-examination of Kirkpatrick’s ‘crux’” in International Symposium for Performance Science 2007 (Nov. 22-23, Porto).
- Harper, N. L. (2007) Book Review - The Pianist’s Talent – A New Approach to Piano Playing Based on the principles of F. Matthias Alexander and Raymond Thiberge by Harold Taylor in Piano Journal, nº 82 (Spring 2007), 40.
- Harper, N. L. (2007) Book Review – Professional Piano Teaching – A Comprehensive Piano Pedagogy Textbook for Teaching Elementary-Level Students by Jeanine M. Jacobson in Piano Journal, nº 82 (Spring 2007), 39-40.
- Harper, N. L. (2007) Review of Music Edition: 12 Inventions for Piano by Michael Sandelson in Piano Journal, nº 82 (Spring 2007), 43.
- Harper, N. L. (2007) Review of Music Edition: The Sonatas & Sonatinas for Piano of Fernando Lopes-Graça (1906-1994), edited by Patrícia Lopes Bastos, in Piano Journal, nº 82 (Spring 2007), 44.
- Harper, N. L. (2007) Review of Music Edition - Ben Misurato for piano by Stanko Horvat, Croatian Music Centre, in Piano Journal, nº 82 (Spring 2007), 44.
- Harper, N. L. (2007) Review of Music Edition - Diabolezza for piano by Ivo Josipović, Croatian Composers Society, in Piano Journal, nº 82 (Spring 2007), 44-45.
- Harper, N. L. (2007) Review of Music Edition - Dora Pejacevic (1885-1923), Piano Miniatures (ISBN ISMN M706701-24-0) and Piano Sonata in Ab major, op.57 (ISMN M-706701-26-4) in Piano Journal, nº 82 (Spring 2007), 45.
- Harper, N. L. (2007) Review of CD - Muzio Clementi Fpr All Ages. Glaser, fortepiano, SIMAX Classics, PSC 1258, 2006. [email protected]. inPiano Journal, nº 82 (Spring 2007), 49.
- Harper, N. L. (2007) Review of CD: Rachmaninoff & Medtner, Duo-Piano Saida Kafarova & Désirée Paulsen Bakke, CENTAUR Records, 2006 inPiano Journal, nº 82 (Spring 2007), 48.
- Harper, N. L. (2007) Review of CD: Sergei Ivanovich Taneyev, Piano Concerto in E Flat Major, Music for Solo Piano, Four Improvisations, The Composer’s Birthday, Joseph Banowetz, piano; Russian Philharmonic of Moscow, Thomas Sanderling, conductor; Vladimir Ashkenazy, narrator, and Adam Wodnicki, piano. TOCCATA CLASSICS TOCC 0042 in Piano Journal, nº 82 (Spring 2007), 47-48.
- Harper, N. L. (2007) “Portuguese Piano Music: Teaching and Performing" (March 2007). Lecture-recital at CMT-RCM-MTNA Conference in Toronto.
- Harper, N. L. (2007) Bi-lingual (Portuguese-English) Program Notes for CD Nancy Lee Harper, Música portuguesa para piano, vol. 2 (2007). Numérica, NUM 1147.
- Harper, N. L. (2006) “Music within our Grasp: Mirror Neurons in Piano Performance" (Winter 2006) in ISSTIP Journal, nº 14, ISSN 1478-1204; 4-8.
- Harper, N. L. (2006) “A interpretação de Fantasia Baetica de Manuel de Falla" in Revista Música do Departamento de Comunicações e Arte, Univ. São Paulo, Brasil, pág. 63-95, ISSN 0130-5525.
- Harper, N. L. (2006) “Sacred Passions: The Life and Music of Manuel de Falla (review) in Music and Letters, Volume 87, Number 3, pp. 465-469, Oxford University Press.
- Harper, N. L. (2006) “Fernando Lopes-Graça, 1906-1994”, ILAMS (December, 2006),
- Harper, N. L. (2006) Book Review: Mastering the Art of Performance – A Primer for Musicians by Stewart Gordon; New York: Oxford University Press, 2006. ISBN 13 978-0-19-517743-5; in Piano Journal, 2006, nº 81, ISBN 0-19-517743-6; 42-43.
- Harper, N. L. (2006) Book Review: On Piano Teaching and Performing by Fanny Waterman, revised edition. London: Faber Music, 2006. ISBN 0-571-52519-9 in Piano Journal, 2006, nº 81, 43.
- Harper, N. L. (2006) Edition Review: Liszt – 21 Selected Piano Works, CD Edition, edited by Joseph Banowetz, An Alfred Masterwork Edition, 2006, ISBN 0-7390-4345-5 in Piano Journal, 2006, nº 81, 46.
- Harper, N. L. (2006) Edition Review: Liszt – 21 Selected Piano Works, CD Edition, edited by Joseph Banowetz, An Alfred Masterwork Edition, 2006, ISBN 0-7390-4345-5 in Piano Journal, 2006, nº 81, 46.
- Harper, N. L. (2006) Edition Review: Anthology of Serbian Piano Music, Book One, Volume One, Book One, Volume Two, Book Two, Volume One, Book Two, Volume Two, Book Three. Serbian Composers Association in Piano Journal, 2006, nº 81, p. 47.
- Harper, N. L. (2006) CD Review: Yundi Li – Vienna Recital, 2005, ISBN7-88047-323-8, CD 477 5571, in Piano Journal, 2006, nº 81, 49.
- Harper, N. L. (2006) CD Review: Ernest Toch – Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, nº 2, op. 38 (1926); Quintet for Piano and Strings, DOM 2929 7 (Talent Records –, Diane Anderson, piano. Philharmoisches Staatsorchester Halle conducted by Hans Rotman; Danel Quartet. CD Review of Dianne Goolkasian Rahbee- Concerto for Piano and Orchestra, op. 134/Tango, op. 126/ Preludes, Op. 120, nº 3, op. 122, op. 123, op. 140, nº 1 & 2/ Rhapsodie “Uratu”, op. 80 for piano and orchestra/ Sonatan nº 4, op. 128/ Ballade nº1, op. 111/Ballade nº 2, op. 129 “Flashbacks of 9/11– Diane Andersen, piano; Matav Hungarian Symphony Orchestra conducted by David Alexander Rahbee in Piano Journal, 2006, nº 81, p. 49.
- Harper, N. L. (2006) “Ernesto Halffter’s Solo Piano Transcription of Manuel de Falla’s Siete canciones popularea españolas” in Piano Journal, nº 80, Summer 2006, 22-26.
- Harper, N. L. (2005) “Saudades de Portugal: Fernando Laires” Flores Musicais, A Festchrift in Honor of Fernando Laires on his 80th Birthday, Journal of the American Liszt Society, Vol. LIV, LV, LVI (2003-2005) triple issue, edited by David Butler Cannata, 8-23.
- Harper, N. L. (2005) “Style Matters: The Interpretation of Manuel de Falla’s Fantasía bætica", ESCOM Conference Proceedings, Porto, 14 - 17 September 2005 (conference presented on 15 Sept.) p. 99 (summary) e 12 pp. in CDROM. ISBN-972-8969-01-5.
- Harper, N. L. (2005) “The Interpretation of Manuel de Falla’s Fantasía bætica", 9 de April – Nova Iorque - IBLA/WPTA (World Piano Teachers Association) Conference, publicações na web:
- Harper, N. L. (2005) “Ernesto Halffter" - ILAMS Newsletter, London, June 2005,, pp. 3-5.
- Harper, N. L. (2005) “DON’T WORRY, BE HAPPY! Peak Experience in Piano Performance (and not only!) - ISSTIP Journal, nº 13 (Autumn 2005), pp. 10-21.
- Harper, N. L. (2005) “Domenico Scarlatti’s Internal Rhythm: The Performer’s Challenge" - Piano Journal, nº 77 (Summer 2005), pp. 16-18.
- Harper, N. L. (2005) Music Review: Grande Fantasia, op. 4 by Balakierev, Warner Bros, Joseph Banowetz, piano, Piano Journal, nº 77 (Summer 2005), p. 28.
- Harper, N. L. (2005) Music Review: Sonata para piano, nº 1 de Dianne Rahbee, Piano Journal, nº 77 (Summer 2005), pp. 28-29.
- Harper, N. L. (2005) Music Review: Pianolle, in Piano Journal, nº 77 (Summer 2005), p. 26.
- Harper, N. L. (2005) CD Review - Sousa de Guedes (Spring 2005) - Piano Journal - EPTA, nº 76, p. 36.
- Harper, N. L. (2005) Interview: " Who’s Who of Piano Pedagogues: Nancy Lee Harper talks to Carola Grindea" (Spring 2005) Piano Journal -EPTA, nº 76, pp. 6-9.
- Harper, N. L. (2004, 2005) wit José Parra / Otilia Sá. Boletim da EPTA-Portugal (3 editions):, with José Parra and Otilia Sá, 2004, 2005.
- Harper, N. L. (2004) “Manuel de Falla’s Fantasía baetica: An Introduction & Masterclass" - Piano Journal, vol. 24, nº 75 (Winter 2004), pp. 16-23.
- Harper, N. L. (2004) “Music Teacher Training in Portugal", ed. Ninja Kors, European Community project (ECMET, 2004).
- Harper, N. L. (2004) Edition Review: Sergei Rachmaninoff Piano Works, ed. Joseph Banowetz, Warner Brothers ELM00047CD in Piano Journal, no. 74 (Summer 2004), p. 31.
- Harper, N. L. (2004) Edition Review: Selected Works of Gian-Carlo Menotti, ed. Gail Lew, Warner Brothers ELM03005 in Piano Journal, no. 74 (Summer 2004), p. 27.
- Harper, N. L. (2004) Book/CDRom Review: Practical Piano Pedagogy de Martha Baker-Jordan, Warner Brothers ELM03004, CD ROM #5593 in Piano Journal, no. 74 (Summer 2004), pp. 18-19.
- Harper, N. L. (2004) Program Notes: József Soproni Note Pages for Piano, Sonata, no. 14., pianist Mariann Ábrahám, translation by Nigel Heavey ed: Hungaraton HCD 32310 (2004).
- Harper, N. L. (2003) Music Reviews: Carmelo A. Bernaola: Piezas caprichosas [para] orquesta, ¡Imita! Imita, que algo queda: Preludio para clarinete y orquesta, Homenaje G. P. para grupo instrumental [flauta, clarinete, piano, violín, violoncello], Complutum [para]orquesta; e de Francisco Escudero: IV sinfonía: Concertante, Concierto para violín y orquesta, Concierto para piano y orquesta (Homenaje a Manuel de Falla) in MLA Notes (Brandeis University), September, 2003, pp. 285-290.
- Harper, N. L. (2003) Music Review: First Impressions by Elvina Pearce in Piano Journal, nº 72, November, 2003, p. 32.
- Harper, N. L. (2003) Music Review: Franz Schubert Piano Works, ed. Joseph Banowetz in Piano Journal, nº 72, November, 2003, p. 33.
- Harper, N. L. (2003) Music Review: Fitzjohn Music publications in Piano Journal, nº 72, November, 2003, p. 33.
- Harper, N. L. (2003) Music Review: Dilecto Musicale in Piano Journal, nº 72, November, 2003, p. 35.
- Harper, N. L. (2003) Music Review: The Music Tree, new edition, in Piano Journal, Autumn, 2003, p. 33.
- Harper, N. L. (2003) Music Review: Weihnachtsbaum by Franz Liszt, in Piano Journal, Autumn, 2003, pp. 34-35.
- Harper, N. L. (2003) Music Review: Piano Concerto, no. 1 by Keith Emerson, in Piano Journal, Autumn, 2003, p. 36.
- Harper, N. L. (2003) “Fantasy in Children’s Piano Technique”, Piano Forum in Piano Journal, nº 71, Autumn, 2003, pp. 29-30.
- Harper, N. L. (2003) Book Review: Manuel de Falla and Modernism in Spain, 1898-1936 by Carol A. Hess in Oxford University Press’s Music & Letters, vol. 84, no. 2, May 2003, pp. 322-324.
- Harper, N. L. (2003) “Brief Overview of Portuguese Music (1450-Present)", ILAMS (Ibero & Latin American Music Society) Newsletter, 2003, pp. 2-4.
- Harper, N. L. (2002) Letter to the Editor in Piano Journal, nº 69, Winter 2002, p. 46.
- Harper, N. L. (2002) EPTA-Slovenia- Bilten, Part 1, “Iberian Elements in the Scarlatti Sonatas” (bilíngue) Iberijski elemnti v Scarlattijevih sonatah, June, 2002, pp. 32-35.
- Harper, N. L. (2002) EPTA-Slovenia- Bilten, Part 2 “Iberian Elements in the Scarlatti Sonatas” (bilíngue) Iberijski elemnti v Scarlattijevih sonatah, Dez. 2002, pp. 57-64.
- Harper, N. L. (2002) “Fernando Laires: lenda pianística portuguesa" in ComunicArte, no. 2 (Setembro 2002), pp. 118-121.
- Harper, N. L. (2002) “The Iberian Elements in the Scarlatti Sonatas", EPTA Journal, no. 67, Feb. 2002, pp. 15-22.
- Harper, N. L. (2002) “The Iberian Elements in the Scarlatti Sonatas” (húngaro) – Parlando, (2002.1.Szám), pp. 30-51.
- Harper, N. L. (2002) Chopin and the French School of Pianism, program book, 3rd Festival Internacional de Piano "Celebrando Grandes Pianistas", July 2002, 5-7.
- Harper, N. L. (2002) “A música portuguesa contemporânea para piano: uma selecção" in Actas do 1º Congresso Nacional da EPTA-Portugal (2002). Aveiro: Universidade de Aveiro, ISBN 972-789-029-6; pp. 91-94.
- Harper, N. L. (2001) 121. “Liszt em Portugal” – Revista ComunicArte, (Dezembro de 2001), pp. 46-50.
- Harper, N. L. (2001) “Liszt Portugáliában” – Parlando (Hungria), March 2001, pp. 34-38.
- Harper, N. L. (2001) “Liszt in Portugal/Liszt na Portugalskem” – Bilten 3 (Slovenia), December 2001, pp. 41-45.
- Harper, N. L. (2001) Edition Review: Liszt, Albumblätter für Prinzessin Marie von Sayn-Wittgenstein. in MLA Notes (Brandeis University, USA), March-April 2001, p. 763.
- Harper, N. L. (2001) Edition Review: New works by Cristóbal and Ernesto Halffter in MLA Notes (Brandeis University, USA) March-April 2001, pp. 754-756.
- Harper, N. L. (2001) “Liszt in Portugal: A Question of His Concerts" in Journal of the American Liszt Society, vol. L/Autumn 2001, pp. 18-25.
- Harper, N. L. (2001) “Música portuguesa contemporânea para piano: uma selecção" in Actas do 1º Congresso da EPTA-Portugal (2001), pp. 91-94.
- Harper, N. L. (1999) Program Notes (1999, bilingual) for the CD Nancy Lee Harper, Numérica 1096.
- Harper, N. L. (1999) “Contemporary Iberian Piano Music” (in Ukrainian language) Journal of EPTA-Ukraine, 1999, pp. 107-113.
- Harper, N. L. (1997). Program notes: “As múltiplas facetas do classicismo no piano”, recital by Nancy Lee Harper in 1º Festival de Música da Universidade de Aveiro (Maio de 1997).
- Harper, N. L. (1997) Program notes: “Manuel de Falla, Inovador Ibérico” para o programa de estreia absoluta de El retablo de Maese Pedro, INATEL, Estúdio Workshop de DeCA (April, 1997).
- Harper, N. L. (1997). Program notes: “O mundo pianístico de Manuel de Falla” – for the 50th anniversary of Falla’s demise (concerts presented in 6 cities in Portugal and in Madeira) 1996-1997.
- Harper, N. L. (1996) “Rodolfo Halffter and the Superposiciones de Manuel de Falla” in ex tempore (Summer 1996), pp. 59-91.
- Harper, N. L. (1996) “Alberto Dominguez” in Latin American Classical Composer. A Biographical Dictionary, compiled and edited by Miguel Ficher et al, Scarecrow Press, 1996, p. 98.
- Harper, N. L. (1996) “Arno Fuchs” in Latin American Classical Composer. A Biographical Dictionary, compiled and edited by Miguel Ficher et al, Scarecrow Press, 1996, p. 125.
- Harper, N. L. (1996) “Vicente Teódulo Mendoza Gutiérrez in Latin American Classical Composer. A Biographical Dictionary, compiled and edited by Miguel Ficher et al, Scarecrow Press, 1996, p. 226.
- Harper, N. L. (1996) “María Teresa Prieto y Fernández de la Llana” in Latin American Classical Composer. A Biographical Dictionary, compiled and edited by Miguel Ficher et al, Scarecrow Press, 1996, p. 279.
- Harper, N. L. (1996) “Mario Ruíz Armengol” in Latin American Classical Composer. A Biographical Dictionary, compiled and edited by Miguel Ficher et al, Scarecrow Press, 1996, p. 303.
- Harper, N. L. (1996) “Rodolfo Halffter y las Superposiciones de Manuel de Falla” – Casa de Veláquez de Madrid (conference presented, 1996).
- Harper, N. L. (1996), ed. Guião para o ensino de Música de Camâra, Aveiro:UA.
- Harper, N. L. (1995) “The Definitive Solution is Surgery – Healing Alternatives for Musicians” in The American Music Teacher (April/May 1995), pp. 7-11.
- Harper, N. L. (1994). “Music: A Force for Integration in Science, Mysticism, Poetics, and Conscience the 21st Century”, Jornal do Instituto Piaget, Lisboa.
- Harper, N. L. (1991) “Ralph Berkowitz - He’s Worn Many Hats” in Piano Quarterly, no. 153 (Spring 1991), pp. 43-48.
Academic Reports (as required by Portuguese law and others)
- Nancy Lee HARPER, (peer-review) “Self-Compassion and Music Performance Anxiety in College-Level Music Majors”, Original Empirical Investigations, for Psychology of Music, reference no. POM-21-2174.
- Nancy Lee HARPER, membro do júri para avaliar a tese da D.M.A. da Carolina Estrada Bascunana, Echoes of the Master: A Multidimensional Mapping of Enrique Granados’ Pedagogical Methods and Pianistic Tradition, University of Sydney, Australia, 5 de Junho, 2015.
- Nancy Lee HARPER, membro do júri para avaliar o concerto final do doutoramento da D.M.A. da Carolina Estrada Bascunana, Echoes of the Master: A Multidimensional Mapping of Enrique Granados’ Pedagogical Methods and Pianistic Tradition, obras de Granados de Cant de les Estrelles, Valses Poéticos, Escena Religiosa, University of Sydney, Australia, (5 de Junho, 2015).
- Nancy Lee HARPER, membro do júri para avaliar 65 jovens pianistas, no Fall Festival da Music Teachers’ Association of California, no FLC Harris Center for the Arts, Scott-Skillman Recital Hall, Folsom, California, 15 de Novembro de 2015.
- Lição sobre a Disciplina de Piano no Mestrado em Música, UA, (report in partial requirements for Aggregation), 2003.
- A Interpretação da Fantasia bætica de Manuel de Falla, UA, 2003.
- A Disciplina da Área Específica V, (report in partial requirements for Associate Professor) UA, 2000.
- Report in partial requirement for tenure (Relatório de Nomeação Definitiva), UA, 1999.
- Recognition of doctorate, DMA thesis The Piano Sonatas of Rodolfo Halffter: Transformation or New Techniques? U. Minho, 1994.
- Edição crítica da música portuguesa dos séculos XVIII a XX (CESEM, Universidade Nova de Lisboa).
- Musicologia na Internet (CESEM, Universidade Nova de Lisboa).
- Music-Medicine: Peak Experience in Piano Performance; Overcoming Stage-Fright: Preparing for Performance; Mirror Neurons and Piano Performance (ISSTIP, London; UnICA, UA).
- Manuel de Falla (UnICA, UA; Sorbonne, Paris; University of Melbourne, Australia; University of Wales, U.K.).
- Portuguese Piano Music (UnICA, UA; CESEM, U. Lisboa).
- Domenico Scarlatti (UnICA, UA).
- "Pianists and Memory" (UA, 2010-2011), multi-disciplinary project with Psychology, Biology, Music, and Electronic Deparments.
- Supervision of pioneer Post-Doctoral project Investigando os efeitos das hormonas em menopausa na voz feminina with Filipa Lã, main investigator, Universidade de Aveiro, and Prof. Doutor João Luís Silva Carvalho, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade do Porto, financed by Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, 2005-2011.
- Supervision, with Prof. Evgueni Zoudilkine, of Post-Doctoral research project Instrumentos da Família Haupt em Portugal e no Mundo de Alexandre Andrade, bolsa de FCT concedida e recusada pelo candidato, 2011-2015.
- Psycho-Physio Dynamics in Violin-Piano Duo: A Pianist’s Perspective of Fiammetta Facchini, co-supervision with Prof. Doutora Filipa Lã, defended January 2014.
- Aspetos do nacionalismo pianístico do Rio de Janeiro nos anos 1930 of Patrícia Francis Abdalla, co-supervision with Prof. Doutora Helena Santana, defended January 2014.
- A Performance do Silêncio em Obras contemporâneas para Oboé of José Oliveira e Silva, co-supervision with Prof. Doutora Anabela Pereira, defended January 2014.
- John Cage: La interpretatión pianistica a través de sus escritos de Nicasio Gradaille, Universidad de Vigo, Spain, co-supervision with Profs. Mercedes Pareja/Pedro Membiela, defended 13 July 2011.
- O Piano Funcional e a tecnologia digital of José M. Parra, co-supervision with Prof. Doutora Daniela Coimbra, Catholic University, defended 23 Nov. 2011.
- O Baixo Contínuo em Portugal de 1750 a 1835: Teoria e Prática de Mário Marques Trilha, co-supervision with Prof. Doutor João Pedro dAlvarenga, defended 17 June 2011.
- As Sonatas para Piano de Fernando Lopes-Graça of Patrícia Lopes Bastos (dissertation + CdRom and 4 vol. Critical edition). Defended in January, 2007.
- A Presença da Flauta Traverso em Portugal de 1750 a 1850 of Alexandre Andrade, co-supervision with Prof. Doutor Gerhard Doderer, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Defended in July, 2005.
- Historial Pedagógica e Inovações de Vanguarda no Ensino de Piano of Maria de Lurdes Sousa Alvares Ribeiro Defended in June, 2002.
- Talento, Ansiedade e Concursos: Estudo do Concurso de Piano do Fundão. Sílvia Elisabete Gaspar Lopes, co-supervision with Prof. Doutora Rosário Pestana, defended Dec. 2012.
- Aulas de piano em grupo na iniciação: um património musical renovado. Sofia Sarmento Ribeiro Braga – defendido no dia 4 July 2011– 18 valores.
- Pianando: Estudo metodológico de Iniciação ao piano em Portugal. Sónia Almeida – defendido no dia 4 July 2011 – 18 valores.
- A análise como estratégia de memorização musical para crianças by Margarida Maria Pinto Machado MMEV – 9 Dec. 2011, 17 valores.
- A Iniciação ao Piano em Portugal: estudo comparativo by Raquel Beatriz de Lima Machado– MMEV, 30 Nov.2011. 18 valores.
- O impacto do Ensino Articulado para Piano no Ensino especializado iby Marina de Sousa Pereira – MMEV – 30 Nov. 2011, 18 valores.
- Liberdade interpretativa nas invenções de J. S. Bach no piano by Irene Trabulo Fernandes, recital and thesis – MM – 9 Dec. 2011, 16 valores.
- A influência de Bach em Chopin: reflexos na prática interpretativa by Jorge Miguel Figueiredo Sarabando Moreira, recital / thesis– MM – 9 Dec. 2011, 15 valores.
- Tempo musical na interpretação de Prelúdes II de Claude Debussy by Catarina Isabel Brás Serra de Almeida Fortunato – MM – 9 Dec. 2011, 18 valores.
- Respirando em Conjunto: Uma nova estratégia para professores invisuais do ensino de iniciação de piano de Ana José Carrolo. Defense: 5 July 2010.
- Um pouco sobre o pedal: A sua prática e implementaão no ensino de piano de Eugénia Chvets. Defense: 13 July 2010.
- O método Suzuki para violino em Portugal: Três Estudos de Caso de Ludovic Afonso. Defense, 5 July 2010.
- As canções de Filipe de Sousa of José Manuel Brandão, co-supervision with Prof. Doutor António Chagas Rosa. Defended in 2008.
- As dedilhações na obra guitarrística de Francisco Torroba of Francisco Gomes, co-supervision with Prof. Doutor Paulo Vaz de Carvalho. Defended in 2007.
- A música de flauta de Laszlo Lathja of Pérola Martíns, co-supervision with Prof. Doutor István Matuz, Universidade de Debrecen, na Hungria. Defended 31 January 2005.
- A interpretação da música japonesa para marimba de Mário Teixeira. Defended, 31 January 2005.
- A música de câmara nos conservatórios em Portugal de 1990 até o presente deof Eduardo Resende, co-supervision with Prof. Doutora Graça Mota, Faculdade de Letras, U. Porto. Defended in 2004.
- A interpretação do ‘Concierto para guitarra e petit orchestre’ de Heitor Villa-Lobos of Rui Gama (withdrawn).
- "Um piano Stein ou um piano Steinway? Estudos performativos para a interpretação informada do Concerto em Mib Maior, K. 271, de Mozart de Nuno Caçote, defended Dec. 2010.
- "Bach/Javiorsky: interpretando o CBT" de Klara Dolnay, defended Dec. 2010.
- "Ferramentas interactivas motivacionais na iniciação de violino" de Joana Gonçalves, defended Dec. 2010.
- Doctoral Piano Recital of Fabio Falsetta in January 2012, works by Mozart, Beethoven, Messiaen, Liszt.
- Doctoral Recitals in Chamber Music of Fiammetta Facchini / Ludovico Tramma, January and June 2011, works of Mozart, Schumann.
- Masters Piano Recital (MM) of Olga Myntik "Polish Piano Music: Works of Szymanowski, Baciewz, Zabrewski", 23 June 2010.
- Masters Piano Recital (MMEV) of Raquel Machado "Reinventando os antigos géneros: Sonatas e Suites", 23 June 2010.
- Senior Piano Recital of Rui Viegas "A Água: Obras de Mendelssohn, Liszt, Chopin, Ravel e Debussy", 8 July 2010.
- Senior Piano Recital "of Raquel Machado, 2009.
- Senior Piano Recital “20th-Century Spanish Piano Music” of Mónica Rocha, Piano, 2006.
- Senior Piano Recital “Works of Brahms and Prokofiev” of Rui Daniel da Silva, 2004.
- Senior Piano Recital “Works of Schumann, Bach, Eric Sweeney, and others” of André Brito, 2003.
- Senior Piano Recital “Works of Bach, Ravel, and others” of Inês Lamêla, Piano, 2002.
- Senior Piano Recital “Works of Bach, Beethoven, Chopin, and others” of Sérgio Freitas, 2001.
- Senior Piano/Chamber Music Recital “Works of Beethoven” of Sandra Caleiro, Piano, 2000.
- Ensino de Piano em Portugal: Estudo comparativa of Isabel Patrícia Sousa, 2003.
- Manual de harmonia ao teclado (2 vols.) of Inês Lamela, André Brito & Catarina Peixinho, 2003.
- Manual de Teoria e Formação Musical of Sonia Fidalgo, 2003.
- Manual de iniciação de trompete of Luís Calahans & Nuno Graça, 2003.
- A Comunicação e a Expressão dos Sentimentos através da Educação Musical: Experiência de Intervenção numa Escolaof Alexandra Carmelita Ribeiro Fernandes, DESE em Expressões Artísticas na Universidade do Minho, 1995.
- As Canções Tradicionais Portuguesas e O Seu Valor Pedagógico: Contribuição da Metodologia de Zoltán Kodály of Rosa Maria Torres (1994), DESE na Educação Musical na Universidade do Minho; published as: As Canções Tradicionais Portuguesas no Ensino da Música - Contribuição da Metodologia de Zoltán Kodály, Lisboa, Editora Caminho, 1998.
- As Canções Populares de Macieira-Barcelos e A Sua Possível Aplicação na Educação Musical no 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico of David Oliveira, DESE na Educação Musical na Universidade do Minho, 1994.
- Optimismo Educativo em Educação Musical, Modificabilidade Cognitiva/Orff-Schulwerk of Maria José Fuíza Baptista de Matos, DESE na Educação Musical na Universidade do Minho, 1994.
- Ensinar a Aprender, Aprender a Ensinar of Maria do Céu Vasconcelos, DESE na Educação Musical na Universidade do Minho, 1994.
- Educando a Voz of Hannelore Fischer Cruz, DESE na Educação Musical na Universidade do Minho, 1994.
- Explorar a Música na Educação: Mozart, O Menino Prodígio (de 1756 a 1770) of Luísa Bragança, DESE na Educação Musical na Universidade do Minho, 1994.